As individuals we move differently and it is important to understand that the process of analysis and intervention will be tailored to suit each person’s needs.

If you would like to discuss individual services and packages further please CONTACT HUGH


Selective Functional Movement Screening



Initial Functional Movement Screening is undertaken in all cases to ascertain any major functional deficits as these deficits affect the execution of sports specific techniques.  This allows Hugh to establish the most appropriate form of further analysis and follow up program for each individual client as appropriate.



General Gait Analysis

A general gait analysis for recreational runners and general sports enables Hugh to identify or eliminate classic gait deficits which may be leading to injury or performance losses. He uses the latest software tools to assist in the process, utilizing his research experience in two and three dimensional motion analysis. The outputs from this analysis are used to design intervention programmes to improve efficiency and reduce injury re-occurrence.


High Performance Gait AnalysisIMG_0352

A specific analysis for competitive athletes and performance sports assessing specific mechanical issues occurring during acceleration, direction change, constant velocity and maximum velocity running. The results of this analysis are used to design both corrective and development programmes to enhance performance.



Sports Performance Analysis

This involves specific field-testing procedures to ascertain key parameters affecting performance. In particular Hugh specializes in specific strength evaluation, maximum velocity and acceleration assessment and sport specific agility testing. In addition he provides anthropometrical testing to support information gained from the various analyses.


Programme Provision




Many of the programmes Hugh designs for recreational runners, general sports and to a certain extent performance sports men and women, contain a variety of activities including; functional movement correction, biomechanical and neuromechanical correction, metabolic conditioning, specific muscle activation and reflex training.




Performance Conditioning ProgrammesSlide09

These programmes focus to further develop specific traits such as movement/sport specific strength, acceleration, maximum velocity, energy capacitance and power and specific endurance.


Programme Analysis

This consists of an assessment of the client’s current programme with a view to redesign and improve the distribution of loading, density, intensity, frequency and competition preparation planning.